Some Theological Texts:
Since the Second Vatican Council

The Christian of the Future Karl Rahner, S.J.

Grace in Freedom Karl Rahner, S.J.

Homanisation Karl Rahner, S.J.

Hymn of the Universe Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

The Future of Mankind Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Globalization and Human Solidarity Tissa Balasuriya

Awareness of God Illtyd Trethowan

Bernard Lonergan Archive

The Mission and Ministry of Jesus Donald J. Goergen OP.

The Death and Resurrection of Jesus Donald J. Goergen OP.

Modern Cosmology: God and the Resurrection of the Dead Wolfhart Pannenberg

Mystery and Promise: A Theology of Revelation John F. Haught

The Petrine Ministry in a Changing Church Hermann J. Pottmeyer

Changing My Mind about the Changeable Church Richard A. McCormick, S.J.

God's Presence in History Wolfhart Pannenberg

The Ethicist as Theologian Stanley Hauerwas

Covenant as a Subversive Paradigm Walter Brueggemann

Online Resources by Hans Urs von Balthasar

Church of the poor: the ecclesiology of Gustavo Gutierrez James B. Nickoloff

The Use of the Bible in Theology John Howard Yoder

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