The Bible

Pages courtesy of Prof. Felix Just, S.J., Ph.D., Loyola Institute for Spirituality in Orange, CA
English Translations of the Bible
An Introduction to Biblical Genres and Form Criticism
Jewish and Christian Bibles: A Comparative Chart
Electronic New Testament Educational Resources

Articles in The Way, an international journal of contemporary Christian spirituality, published by the British Jesuits
The Written Word in the Church Ian Brayley
Ignatian Contemplation and Modern Biblical Studies Helmut Gabel
Mysticism and Scripture: Dialogical Companions Gillian T. W. Ahlgren
Crossing Biblical Dreams and Contemporary Dreamers Barbara Green
Food in Scripture Margaret Barker
Pleasure: A Biblical Perspective Dorothy A. Lee
Spirituality and Scripture: A Jewish View Jonathan Magonet
Exegesis and Homiletics Marie E. Isaacs
Things Old and Things New in Biblical Interpretation John R. Donahue
'To See with the Eyes of the Imagination': Scripture in the Exercises and Recent Interpretation Brendan Byrne
The Canon of Scripture and the Forgotten Books John Barton
Humour and Play: A Biblical Reflection Alice L. Laffey
Interpreting the Bible in India Today George Soares-Prabhu
Reading the Bible in the Struggle for Justice and Peace Christopher Rowland

Articles in Compass Review, a Review of Topical Theology published quarterly by the Australian Province of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart
Verbum Domini and the Interpretation of Scripture Mark Kenney SM
The Three Forms of the Word of God Jean Richard MSC
Biblical Fundamentalism Michael Fallon MSN
Scripture and Vatican II: A Very Incomplete Journey Brendan Byrne SJ
Changing Perceptions of God's Word: Bible Study Since Vatican II Mark O'Brien OP
The Bible on History Mark O'Brien OP
The Bible in Time Mark O'Brien OP
The Bible and the Blurb Mark O'Brien OP
In Fear and Great Joy: Forty Years of Feminist Biblical Scholarship Elaine Wainwright RSM
Can the Scriptural World Still Be Our World? Early Millennial Reflections of an Australian Biblical Scholar Brendan Byrne SJ
Amrozi and Luke's Gospel Michael Trainor

Articles in HTS Theological Studies
Ancestor Worship - Is It Biblical? Choon Sup Bae, P. J. van der Merwe
Rise of intercultural Biblical exegesis in Africa Jean-Claude Loba-Mkole
Being Biblical? Slavery, sexuality, and the inclusive community Richard A. Burridge
Hermeneutics as Cross-Cultural Encounter: Obstacles to Understanding Richard L. Rohrbaugh
The Canon as Text for a Biblical Theology James A. Loader
When They, We, and the Passive Become I -- Introducing Autobiographical Biblical Criticism P.J.W. Schutte
Reading the Bible Again with Marcus Borg P.J.W. (Flip) Schutte
Soul and psyche: The Bible in psychological perspective Willem J. Smith
Whose Bible, mine or yours? Contested ownership and Bible translation in Southern Africa Jeremy Punt
History and Religious Experience in Biblical Research Pieter G.R. de Villiers
Fr. Sergius Bulgakov (1871-1944): A Study in the Eastern Orthodox Hermeneutical Perspective Alexander I Negrov

Articles in Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations
The Impact of Christian-Jewish Dialogue on Catholic Biblical Studies Eugene Fisher
Do We Share a Book? The Sunday Lectionary and Jewish-Christian Relations Michael Peppard
Can Catholicism Validate Jewish Biblical Interpretation? Jon D. Levenson
What Can a Catholic Learn from the History of Jewish Biblical Exegesis? Gary A. Anderson
Anti-Judaism in Marcion and his Opponents Joseph B. Tyson

Articles in Theological Studies, a quarterly journal of theology published by the Jesuits of the United States and Canada
Prolegomena to Meaning, or, What Is "Literary" About the Torah? Tod Linafelt
Exegesis of Biblical Theophanies in Byzantine Hymnography: Rewritten Bible? Bogdan G. Bucur
Theological Attitudes toward the Scriptural Text: Lessons from the Qumran and Syriac Exegetical Traditions Angela Kim Harkins
Through a Gloss Darkly: Biblical Annotations and Theological Interpretation in Modern Catholic and Protestant English-language Bibles Michael J. McClymond
Through a Gloss Darkly: Biblical Annotations and Theological Interpretation in Modern Catholic and Protestant English-Language Bibles Michael J. McClymond
Christian Salvation: Biblical and Theological Perspectives Khaled Anatolios and Richard J. Clifford
The Exodus in the Christian Bible: The Case for "Figural" Reading Richard J. Clifford
The History of Exegesis and Our Theological Future Michael Cahill
Reading the Face of God: The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church Lewis Ayres and Stephen E. Fowl
Reader-Response Criticism and the Allegorizing Reader Michael Cahill
Cyril of Jerusalem's Use of Scripture in Catechesis Pamela Jackson
Dynamic-Equivalence Translations Reconsidered Roger L. Omanson
Dynamic or Formal Equivalence? A Response J.P.M. Walsh
American Catholic Biblical Scholarship: A Review Gerald P. Fogarty
Historical Criticism: Its Role in Biblical Interpretation and Church Life Joseph A. Fitzmyer
The New Handmaid: The Bible and the Social Sciences Carolyn Osiek
Five Loaves and Two Fishes: Feminist Hermeneutics and Biblical Theology Phyllis Trible
Contemporary English Translations of Scripture J.P.M. Walsh
"And the Lord Said"? Biblical Reflections on Scripture as the Word of God Raymond E. Brown
Exegesis and Imagination Schuyler Brown
Faith, Hermeneutics, and the Literal Sense of Scripture Sandra M. Schneiders
Symbol, Myth, and the Biblical Revelation Avery Dulles
The Council of Trent and Vernacular Bibles Robert E. McNally
Personality, Society, and Inspiration Dennis J. McCarthy
An Existential Approach to Sacred Scripture Wenceslaus J. Pilch
A Recent Roman Scriptural Controversy Joseph A. Fitzmyer
Medieval Exegesis Robert E. McNally
Tres Linguae Sacrae in Early Irish Bible Exegesis Robert E. McNally
Paul Tillich and the Bible Avery Dulles
On Early Christian Exegesis Walter J. Burghardt
Lost Books of the Bible Anthony C. Cotter
The Study of Holy Scripture James E. Coleran

Articles in the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
The Veil of the Temple in History and Legend Daniel M Gurtner
The Fallacy of Equating Meaning with the Human Author's Intention Philip B. Payne
The Davidic Promise and the Inclusion of the Gentiles (Amos 9:9-15 and Acts 15:13-18): A Test Passage for Theological Systems Walter C. Kaiser, Jr.
The Behavioral Sciences under the Authority of Scripture J. Robertson Mcquilkin
Further Information about Tell Mardikh William Sanford Lasor
The Authority and Meaning of the Christian Canon: A Response to Gerald Sheppard on Canon Criticism John Piper
Rudolf Bultmann: Removing the False Offense Alfred A. Glenn
Typology as a Means of Interpretation: Past and Present Stanley N. Gundry, S.T.M.
"Lead Us Not into Temptation" John V. Dahms

Articles in Tyndale Bulletin, the journal of Tyndale House, Cambridge, a UK-based research institute
Studies in the Scribal Habits of Codex Sinaiticus Dirk Jongkind
How May We Speak of God? A Reconsideration of the Nature of Biblical Theology R. W. L. Moberly
Gospel and Scripture: Rethinking Canonical Unity Francis Watson
Yesterday, Today, Forever: Time, Times, Eternity in Biblical Perspective Henri Blocher
Angel of the Lord: Messenger or Euphemism? S.L. White
Translating the Bible A.H. Nichols
Authority and Interpretive Method In Luther's Approach to Scripture Mark Thompson
A New Method for Reconstructing Biblical Scrolls Edward D. Herbert
Three Weddings and a Divorce: God's Covenant with Israel, Judah and the Church David Instone Brewer
Syncretism - The Term and Phenomenon Irina A. Levinskaya
Who Is This God? - Biblical Inspiration Revisited Jeremy Begbie
Israel and the Nations: An Essay in Biblical Theology Charles H.H. Scobie
The Structure of Biblical Theology Charles H.H. Scobie
The Challenge of Biblical Theology (Part 1) Charles H.H. Scobie
The Unity and Diversity of God's Covenants Roger T Beckwith
Technical Terms in Biblical Hebrew? Roger W. Cowley
Biblical Attitudes to Romantic Love John P. Baker
Inspiration and Criticism: The Nineteenth-Century Crisis Nigel M. de S. Cameron
Magic in the Biblical World Edwin M. Yamauchi
Sacrifice – Metaphors and Meaning Derek Kidner
Soundings in the Doctrine of Scripture in British Evangelicalism in the First Half of the Twentieth Century David F. Wright
The Value of Apocalyptic Stephen H. Travis
Hebraic Antecedents to the Eucharistic Anamnesis Formula David Gregg
Prophecy, Inspiration, and Sensus Plenior William Sanford LaSor, Ph.D., Th.D.
Towards an Interpretation of Biblical Ethics O. M. T. O'Donovan, M.A., D.Phil.
Syntax in Exegesis K. L. McKay, M.A., Ph.D.
The Covenant as Giving Expression to the Relationship Between Old and New Testament F. C. Fensham, M.A., Ph.D., D.D.
The Everlasting Covenant D. F. Payne
Wealth Derek Kidner
The Spirit and Tradition D. J. V. Lane

Articles in Word & World, a quarterly journal of theology, published by the faculty of Luther Seminary
Reading the Bible in Contemporary Africa Fidon R. Mwombeki
The City in Biblical Perspective: Failed and Possible Walter Brueggemann
God, the Bible, and Evil after the Holocaust Murray Haar
The City in the Bible: Implications for Urban Ministry Diane Jacobson
The Bible in Roman Catholicism since Divino Afflante Spiritu John R. Donahue
Interpretation for Christian Ministry Richard Nysse and Donald Juel
Cross-Cultural Reading of the Bible Peter Theodore Nash
Bible Study in the Congregation Nancy Koester
Science in the Bible Rolf P. Knierim
Reading the Bible in the American Context Roy A. Harrisville
Biblical Interpretation in the Context of Church and Ministry Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza
Mental Health in the Bible Daniel J. Simundson
The Unity of the Testaments Duane A. Priebe
The Crucified Messiah and the Endangered Promises Nils Alstrup Dahl
Health and Healing in the Bible Daniel J. Simundson
Biblical Hermeneutics on the Move Karlfried Froehlich
Mind Reader and Maestro: Models for Understanding Biblical Interpreters Patrick R. Keifert
The Role of Scripture in Times of Crisis Paul D. Hanson
Story and Scripture Darrell Jodock

Articles from the Bible and Interpretation
On Finding Myth and History in the Bible: Epistemological and Methodological Observations Emanuel Pfoh
What Is a Canon? Edmon L. Gallagher
How the Bible Is Written Gary A. Rendsburg
Violence in the Bible: Towards a Non-Violent Reading Dominic S. Irudayaraj SJ
Thoughts on the Biblical Heroic Tradition Dolores Kamrada
Can the Ages of Biblical Literature be Discerned Without Literary Analysis? Ian Young & Robert Rezetko
How Old Is the Hebrew Bible? Ronald Hendel & Jan Joosten
Some Characteristics of Biblical Law William S. Morrow
The Promises and Perils of Using the Bible in Political Discourse Daniel L. Dreisbach
How to Read the Bible? Alan T. Levenson
Self-deification in Biblical Texts M. David Litwa
Sepphoris James F. Strange
Reading Biblical Texts: Truth, Fact, and Myth James W. Aageson
Excerpts from Invitation to the Septuagint Karen H. Jobes
The Battles of Armageddon: Megiddo and the Jezreel Valley from the Bronze Age to the Nuclear Age Eric H. Cline
Making Biblical Women Visible Carol L. Meyers

Articles from the Journal of Religion and Society
Teaching the Bible through the Internet Ronald A. Simkins
Stepping In / Stepping Out: A Conversation between Ideological and Social Scientific Feminist Approaches to the Bible Alice A. Keefe
Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:1-29) on the Internet Susanne Scholz

Articles from the Wesleyan Theological Jornal
John Wesley's Concept of Inspiration and Literary-Critical Approaches to Scripture Richard P. Thompson, page 151
Wesleyanism and the Inerrancy Issue J. Kenneth Grider, page 52
Biblical Interpretation and Wesleyan Theology H. Ray Dunning, page 47

Articles in Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America
The Transcendence of God and Biblical Hermeneutics Paul S. Minear
The Biblical Theology of Divorce Bruce Vawter
Atonement and Scripture Kenneth F. Dougherty
The Concept of Biblical Inspiration David M. Stanley
The Senses of Sacred Scripture Edward A. Cerny

Articles in Church Life Journal, a journal of the McGrath Institute for Church Life
The Bible Isn't Primarily a History Book Joseph Gordon
Reading the Bible with the Church of Africa Peter Casarella
Humor in the Bible Charles Kestermeier, SJ

Articles in the Journal of Scriptural Reasoning
Interreligious Reading after Vatican II, with John Henry Newman’s Two Habits of Mind Jacob Phillips
The How, What, and Why of Interreligious Reading after Vatican II Claire Partlow

Articles in Fulcrum, a journal of Evangelical Anglicans
Slaughter, Vengeance and the Burning Wrath of God. How "Christian" is the Bible? Martin Kuhrt
Conflict and Covenant in the Bible Tom Wright

Articles in Ignatius Insight
"A Word Addressed by God to His People": Benedict XVI and the Interpretation of Sacred Scripture Fr. James V. Schall, S.J.
The Old Testament and the New Testament Fr. James V. Schall, S.J.

Articles from the Wijngaards Institute for Catholic Research
Every Two Minutes: Battered Women and Feminist Interpretation Susan Brookes Thistletwaite
Women and Ministry in The New Testament Elisabeth M. Tetlow

Articles in the Journal of Hebrew Scriptures
Multivocality in Group Speech in Biblical Narrative George Savran
The Ascription of Physical Disability as a Stigmatizing Strategy in Biblical Iconic Polemics Saul M. Olyan
Doing Postcolonial Biblical Interpretation @Home: Ten Years of (South) African Ambivalence Gerald West
Speech-Act Theory and Biblical Interpretation Eugene Botha

Articles in the American Journal of Biblical Theology
An Introduction to the Interpretation of Apocalyptic Literature John W. Carter
The Kingdom of God is Within You Raymond B. Marcin

Articles in the McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry
From Vulnerable to Venerable: Scriptural Perspectives on Aging and the Elderly Michael Knowles
Biblical Texts--Past and Future Meanings Clark H. Pinnock

Articles in Jewish-Christian Relations
Reading Violent Scripture Edward Kessler
Sola Scriptura Lloyd Gaston

Articles in Spirituality Today, a journal of the Chicago Dominican province
Scripture and Contemporary Spirituality Leonard Doohan
Using Scripture in Prayer and Spiritual Direction Richard M. Gula

Articles from Biblical
A Corrected Collation of Codex Zacynthius (Cod 040) J. Harold Greenlee
The Crooked Serpent F.F. Bruce
The Bible of Theophilus of Antioch Robert McQueen Grant
The Elder John, Papias, Irenaeus, Eusebius and the Syriac Translator Benjamin Wisner Bacon
On the Use of bel and kardia in the Old and New Testaments D.R. Goodwin

Articles in American Catholic Press
Some Problems of Bible Translation Msgr. Ronald Knox
Thoughts on Bible Translation Msgr. Ronald Knox

Articles from other sources
Does the Lord Speak with a Forked Tongue? Solutions for Unity in a Diverse Biblical Corpus Peter Fitzroy
Bible stories: To understand scripture, you must first know something about the people who wrote it N.T. Wright
Social Justice in the Bible Dominik Markl SJ
Historical Interpretation of the Bible Ron Simkins
King James Bible a Masterpiece but Not an Idol Philip Harvey
The Triune God as the Unity of Scripture Ricardo Aldana
Putting the Bible into Perspective: Hicksites and the Theological Treatment of the Bible in Progressive Reform Jody Cross-Hansen
The Challenge of Canonical Criticism to Background Studies Randy W. Nelson
Preaching Old Testament Law to New Testament Christians Daniel I. Block
Verbum, Theologia et Ecclesia: Some Hermeneutical Reflections and Methodological Considerations towards an Integrated Interpretation of the Bible B Weber
Liturgy Matters: Liturgy and Scripture as the Mirrors of Catholicity Damien Casey
'Two Guys Go into the Temple. One Says to God' Humour, Scripture, and Christian Discourse James and Kate Williams
African Hermeneutics: The Current State Louis Krog
Protestant and Jewish Approaches to the Scripture Gregory Mobley
Digging for Faith Michael McKinney
The Term Berith (Covenant) in the Historical and Wisdom Books of the Old Testament Silvia Linington
Three Debates about Bible and Archaeology Ziony Zevit
Why Participate in African Biblical Interpretation? Vernon K. Robbins
An Example of a 'New Age' Interpretation of the Bible H Christina Steyn
Using the Bible with Integrity Kenneth Cauthen
The Enoch Literature James C. VanderKam
Salvation by Trust? Reading the Bible Faithfully Richard Hays
The Bishops, the Bible and Liturgical Language Richard J. Clifford, S.J.
Roots: Biblical Norm or Cultural Anachronism? Michael Schluter
Bible Translation in Africa Ronald J. Sim
Choosing a Bible Translation James Akin
Oral Transmission Robert B. Waltz
St. Thomas Aquinas and Sacred Scripture John F. Boyle
Biblical Interpretation in Crisis: On the Question of the Foundations and Approaches of Exegesis Today Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger
A Spirituality of Meaningful Experiences: Some Biblical Lessons Elizabeth Bellefontaine
Hermeneutics Catholic Encyclopedia, 1910
The Bible Catholic Encyclopedia, 1907
Bible Exegesis Jewish Encyclopedia
Messiah Jewish Encyclopedia
Sheol Jewish Encyclopedia
Synagogue Jewish Encyclopedia
History of the Text of the Douay Version of Scripture John Henry Cardinal Newman, page 403

Methods of Interpreting the Meaning of Bible Passages
Basic Web Sites for Scripture Study Paul Couture, S. S. E.
Resource Pages for Biblical Studies
The Fathers of the Church on the Bible
Biblical Robert I. Bradshaw, B.Sc., C.D.R.S.
Bible Study Fr Tommy Lane, LSS, DD
Words About the Bible Robert Longman Jr.
Biblica Pontifical Biblical Institute
TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism
Scripture Mennonite Confesion of Faith
Lectio Divina
Praying the Bible Fr Tommy Lane, LSS, DD
The Madaba Map

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