
The Catholic Church: The People of God
The Catholic Church as Institution
Catholic Worship
The Vatican
The Second Vatican Council
Official Catholic Documents: Conciliar and Papal
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Catholic Social Teaching
Online Catholic Periodicals
Catholic Encyclopedia, 1908-1913 Edition
Miscellaneous Catholic Sites

Articles in Compass Review, a review of topical theology published quarterly by the Australian Province of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart
A New Catholic Narrative Ron and Mavis Pirola
A Tradition of Hopeful Intelligence: The Catholic Intellectual Tradition Anthony J. Kelly, CSsR
Catholicism in the Postmodern World Michael Fallon MSC
On the Rise Again: Neo-Fundamentalism in Australian Catholicism (Part One) Michael Trainor
On the Rise Again: Neo-Fundamentalism in Australian Catholicism (Part Two) Michael Trainor
On the Rise Again Neo-Fundamentalism in Australian Catholicism (Part Three) Michael Trainor

Articles in Church Life Journal, a journal of the McGrath Institute for Church Life
What Is the Catholic Imagination? Michael P. Murphy
The Dead End of Counter-Cultural Catholicism Gunnar Gundersen
What Is the Catholic Imagination? Michael P. Murphy
The Extraordinary Is Wed to the Mundane in the Catholic Imagination Anne M. Carpenter
Church Life is the Heart of the Catholic Imagination Artur Sebastian Rosman
The Catholic Imagination is Ecclesial (Or It's Not Really Catholic) Timothy P. O'Malley
The Dramatic Double Vision of the Catholic Imagination Artur Sebastian Rosman

Articles in Theological Studies, a quarterly journal of theology published by the Jesuits of the United States and Canada
The Catholic Identity of Catholic Institutions Charles E. Curran
Whitehead and "Catholicism" Norman Pittenger

Articles from the Berkeley Forum, an online platform for public scholarship and informed commentary at the intersection of religion and world affairs
Catholicism as Civil Religion David Gibson
Now is the Time for a Catholicism of Compassion and Accompaniment Kristy Nabhan-Warren

The Catholicity of beauty James Matthew Wilson

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Email webmaster Gerald Darring