
Annual messages sent by the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue to Buddhists, Hindu, and Muslims, plus other documents from the Council

Articles in Monastic Interreligious Dialogue
Mataji Yann Vagneux
A Marriage with Hinduism Yann Vagneux
Excerpts from The Rivers of Paradise John Dupuche
Like Rivers of Living Water: Remembering Vandana Mataji Yann Vagneux
The use of the Mantra in the Practice of Meditation Developed by John Main: Resurgence of an Apologetic Exchange about its Christian Origin and Hindu Influence Fabrice Blee
From Deus in Adiutorium to Maranatha: Colonialism and Reform in John Main's Hindu Encounter Nicholas Scrimenti
The Primordial Sacrifice Yann Vagneux
The Yogin and the Child Yann Vagneux
Abhishiktananda : Identity and Loss, Conflict and Resolution Laurence Freeman OSB
Abhishiktananda's Contribution to Present-day Hindu-Christian Theological Research Paolo Trianni
Swami Abhishiktananda Centenary: A Personal Testimony G. Gispert-Sauch, S.J.
Swami Abhishiktananda's Period of Tempering at the Mauna Mandir Edward Ulrich
Reflections on the Simplicity of the Ashrams: A Visit to Shantivanam and the Mauna Mandir Edward Ulrich
Interreligious Monastic Spirituality at Kurisumala: Completion Theology in Reverse Bernard Kilroy
Transcript of an Interview with the Rev. Murray Rogers on Swami Abhishiktananda Christian Hackbarth-Johnson
Catholic Theology, Comparative Study, and a Practice of Hindu Meditation Edward Ulrich
Exploring the Hindu Temple: A way of experiencing multiculturalism in the United States Claire Dugan
Summer to Autumn: An Interreligious Pilgrimage Bettina Baumer "Sharada"

Articles in The Way, an international journal of contemporary Christian spirituality, published by the British Jesuits
Encounter with Hinduism Kathleen Taylor
When Shiva Has Blue Eyes Ishpriya Mataji
On the Wisdom of Reticence at the Crossing of Spiritual Borders Francis X. Clooney
Hindu Religious Experience Sara Grant

Journal of Hindu-Christian Studies -- Volume 33 -- Volume 32 -- Volume 31 -- Volume 30 -- Volume 29 -- Volume 28 -- Volume 27 -- Volume 26 -- Volume 25 -- Volume 24 -- Volume 23 -- Volume 22 -- Volume 21 -- Volume 20 -- Volume 19 -- Volume 18 -- Volume 17 -- Volume 16 -- Volume 15 -- Volume 14 -- Volume 13 -- Volume 12 -- Volume 11 -- Volume 10 -- Volume 9 -- Volume 8 -- Volume 7 -- Volume 6 -- Volume 5 -- Volume 4 -- Volume 3 -- Volume 2 -- Volume 1

Articles in Theological Studies, a quarterly journal of theology published by the Jesuits of the United States and Canada
Hindu Views of Religious Others: Implications for Christian Theology Francis X. Clooney
The Hindu-Christian Dialogue and the Interior Dialogue James D. Redington
The Bhagavad Gita as Way-Shower to the Transcendental John Moffitt
A Christian Approach to Hindu Beliefs John Moffitt
Christianity Confronts Hinduism John Moffitt

Articles from other sources
Human Suffering: An Exploration of Hindu and Christian Liberation PaigeMcDonald
Nostra Aetate and Hinduism Mgr. Felix Machado
The One Incarnation of Christianity and the Many Avataras of Hinduism Tord Fornberg
The Universal Truth: The Mystery of salvation as seen by Christians and Hindus Bede Griffiths, page 86
The First World Hindu Conference Thomas Immoos
Catholicity and the Dabistan Darley Dale, page 97

Society for Hindu-Christian Studies

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