The Holocaust


We Remember: A Reflection on the Shoah Vatican Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews
Catholic Teaching on the Shoah: Implementing the Holy See's We Remember US bishops
On the 75th Anniversary of the Liberation of the German Nazi Extermination Camp Auschwitz-Birkenau Council Of European Bishops'Conferences And The Commission Of The Bishops' Conferences Of The European Union
Holocaust-Shoah: Its Effect on Christian Theology and Life in Argentina and Latin America First International Symposium of Christian Theology
Declaration of Repentance French Bishops
Confronting the Debate About the Role of Switzerland during the Second World War Swiss Bishops
Supported by One Root: Our Relationship to Judaism Dutch Bishops
Letter to the Jewish Community of Italy Italian Bishops
On the 50th Anniversary of the Liberation of the Extermination Camp of Auschwitz German Bishops
Joint Statement on the Occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Holocaust Hungarian Bishops and Ecumenical Council of Churches in Hungary
Declaration of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Slovakia on the Vatican Document on the Shoah
The Victims of Nazi Ideology Polish Bishops
Pastoral Letter on Jewish-Catholic Relations Polish Bishops
Joint Statement on Dealing with Holocaust Revisionism The Synagogue Council of America and The National Conference of Catholic Bishops
Accepting the Burden of History: Common Declaration on the 50th Anniversary of the Pogroms Against the Jewish Community on the Night of 9-10 November 1938 Bishops of West Germany, Austria & Berlin


Articles in Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations, published by the Center for Christian-Jewish Learning at Boston College
The Holocaust as a Source for Jewish-Christian Bonding Gershon Greenberg
Has the Papacy 'Owned' Vatican Guilt for the Church's Role in the Holocaust? Kevin Madigan
The Vatican, Antisemitism, and the Holocaust: A Response to Kevin Madigan Kevin P. Spicer C.S.C.
Does the Church 'Get' the Holocaust? A Response to Kevin Madigan Alan Brill

Articles in SIDIC Periodical, a journal of the Sisters of Our Lady of Sion
Between Remembering and Forgetting: The Shoah in the Era of Cultural Amnesia Johann Baptist Metz
God: The Foundational Ethical Question after the Holocaust John T. Pawlikowski
Spirit and Flesh: Toward a Post-Shoah, Post-Modern Incarnational Ethic James Bernauer
Auschwitz from a Nuremberg Perspective: Ethical Implications for Medicine Etienne Lepicar
God between Mercy and Justice: Auschwitz as Challenge toward a "Kenotic" Notion of Reconciliation Dirk Ansorge
The One Who Does Not Experience the Hidden Face (of God) Does Not Belong (to the People) Benedetto Carucci Viterbi
Educational Imperatives after the Shoah Arij A. Roest Crollius
The Banality of Good and Evil: Antisocial Behavior, Prosocial Behavior, and Jewish Religious Teaching David R. Blumenthal
Good and Evil after Auschwitz in Papal Teaching Remi Hoeckman
Reflections on Repentance - How to Speak of Reconciliation after Auschwitz Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini
Bernhard Lichtenberg - "If You Believe You Have to Resist" Rosemarie Wesolowski
Reflections on the Life and Thought of Etty Hillesum Joseph Sievers
The Challenge of Auschwitz Today Stanislaw Krajewski
The Shoah and Contemporary Religious Thinking Albert H. Friedlander
Mysterium Tremendum: Catholic Grapplings with the Holocaust and its Theological Implications Eugene J. Fisher
Fiftieth Anniversary of KristallNacht: A Survivor's Testimony Edith Bruck
Who is My Neighbour? John Foster
Reports from around the World: The Shoah in Education and Commemorating the Shoah in Public Prayer
The Shoah in the School Curriculum Mary Kelly
Yom ha-Shoah and Christian Commemorations of the Holocaust Marie-Noelle De Baillehache
The Efect of the Holocaust on Christian Mission to Jews Rolf Rendtorff
Religious Faith after Auschwitz Pesach Schindler
Christian Reflection on the Holocaust Marcel Dubois
A Jew Looks at the Holocaust Riccardo Di Segni
Holocaust Theology Katharine T. Hargrove

Articles in The Way, an international journal of contemporary Christian spirituality, published by the British Jesuits
Etty Hillesum: For God and With God Alexandra Pleshoyano
Life in Places of Nazi Terror Maria-Theresia Smith
Jewish Holocaust Theology Norman Solomon
Christian Theology After the Holocaust Kenneth Cracknell

Articles in the Journal of Ecumenical Studies
Bigotry against Bonhoeffer in Jerusalem Stephen A. Wise
America, the Holocaust, and The Abandonment of the Jews Rafael Medoff
Nazism, Millenarianism, and the Jews Thomas Idinopulos
American Catholic Responses to the Holocaust: An Exchange between David S. Wyman and Eugene J. Fisher
How Yehuda Bauer's Critique of Holocaust Thinking Has Changed My Mind Thomas A. Idinopvlos
From Shame to Responsibility and Christian Identity: The Dynamics of Shame and Confession Regarding the 'Shoah.' Henry F. Knight
The Holocaust: Reflections of a Muslim Sanaullah Kirmani

Articles in Judaism, a quarterly journal of Jewish life and thought
The Changing Lessons of the Holocaust Jeremy D. Popkin
The Politics and Poetics of Vatican Holocaust Discourse Ariella Lang
For and Against the 'Righteous Gentiles.' - Non-Jewish Defenders of Jewish Lives during the Holocaust Berel Lang
Holocaust Questions David Weiss Halivni

Articles from the Cross Currents
Revising Night: Elie Wiesel and the Hazards of Holocaust Theology Peter Manseau
A Survey of Jewish Reaction to the Vatican Statement on the Holocaust Kevin Madigan

Articles from the Jewish Virtual Library
The Vatican & the Holocaust: Pope Pius XII Jewish Virtual Library
Speech of John Paul II at Yad Vashem
The Vatican and the Holocaust: A Preliminary Report International Catholic-Jewish Historical Commission

Articles from the Jewish-Christian Relations website
The Churches and the Shoah Pierbattista Pizzaballa, OFM
Address at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Jean-Marie Cardinal Lustiger, Archbishop Emeritus of Paris
Holocaust Denial: What it is and why evangelical scholars must categorically reject it Richard V. Pierard
The Holocaust: Does It Have Significance for Ethics Today John T. Pawlikowski
Christology after Auschwitz: A Catholic Perspective Didier Pollefeyt
The Relevance of Western Post-Holocaust Theology to the Thought and Practice of the Russian Orthodox Church Sergii Hackel
Powerlessness of God? A Critical Appraisal of Hans Jonas's Idea of God after Auschwitz Hans Hermann Henrix
Catholics and Jews Confront the Holocaust and Each Other Eugene J. Fisher
Wartime Orthodox Jewish Thought About the Holocaust: Christian Implications Gershon Greenberg
A Critique of the Vatican Holocaust Document Robert Anderson
Excuse Instead of Confession of Guilt? Gerhard Bodendorfer
Christians and the Holocaust Martin Gilbert
The Relevance of Western Post-Holocaust Theology to the Thought and Practice of the Russian Orthodox Church Sergii Hackel
Towards an Anamnestic Culture: A Contribution to a Theology After Auschwitz and the Gulag Archipelago from a Political Theological Perspective Jurgen Manemann
A Polish Reaction to the Vatican Document on the Shoah Tomasz Oljasz
Anti-Semitism, the Shoah and the Church German-Catholic Working Group
Suffering: Challenge to Faith, Challenge to God Alice L. Eckardt
Judaism After the Holocaust Rabbi Dow Marmur
Theology after Auschwitz. A Provisional Program Franz Mussner
From the Night of the Pogrom to the Final Solution: Experiences and Lessons Gerhart M. Riegner

Articles from Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe
Faith, Action and Inaction During the Holocaust Suzanne Brown Fleming
The Bulgarian Orthodox Church and the Holocaust: Addressing Common Misconceptions Pavel Stefanov
The Saving of the Jews: The Case of Mother Maria (Scobtsova) Grigori Benevitch
Controversy Around the Auschwitz Convent Waldemar Chrostowski

Articles from the Center for Christian-Jewish Learning at Boston College
From European Anti-Jesuitism to German Anti-Jewishness: A Tale of Two Texts James Bernauer, S.J.
The Catholic Context: The Churches' Response to Nazism Donald Dietrich
The Holocaust and the Catholic Church's Search for Forgiveness James Bernauer
The Church Embraces All People His Beatitude Christodoulos, Archbishop of Athens and all Greece

Articles from the Journal of Religion and Society
The Faithful in a Time of Trial: The Evangelical Understanding of the Holocaust Yaakov Ariel
The Possibility and Plausibility of Divine Abusiveness or Sadism as the Premise for a Religious Response to the Holocaust Isabel Wollaston
Characterizing the Acts of Righteous Gentiles: A Matter of Duty or Supererogation? Andrew Flescher

Articles from other sources
Why Catholics Must Help Humanity to Not Forget the Holocaust Justin McClain
James Bernauer. Jesuit Kaddish: Jesuits, Jews, and Holocaust Remembrance Martina Cucchiara
Fruits of Anti-Semitism Cry Out to Visitors at Holocaust Memorial Robert F. Drinan
Two Popes, One Holocaust Kevin Madigan
May the Names of These Victims Never Perish Pope Benedict XVI
Pius XII and the Holocaust, A Reader The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
Shylock After Auschwitz: The Merchant of Venice on the Post-Holocaust Stage: Subversion, Confrontation, and Provocation Arthur Horowitz
Kristallnacht Memorial Service Rabbi Dovid Freilich
Sixty Years after Auschwitz: What Does It Mean for Christian Theology? Joseph Grayland
To Save a Life: Stories of Holocaust Rescue
The Holocaust: What Was Not Said Martin Rhonheimer
Christian Rescuers Stanlee I. Stahl
Pius XII and the Jews: The War Years, as Reported by the New York Times Stephen M. DiGiovanni, H.E.D.
Should the Holocaust Force Us to Rethink Our View of God and Evil? John J. Johnson
The Hazards of Holocaust Theology Peter Manseau
Christians and the Holocaust Working Group on Interfaith Relations, National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA
Declaration by The Stockholm International Forum on the Holocaust Conference on Education, Remembrance and Research
The Holocaust as a Paradigm for Empathy Rabbi Irwin Zeplowitz
The Role of the Churches: Compliance and Confrontation Victoria J. Barnett
Cultural and Religious Life in the Warsaw Ghetto Nehemia Polen
Religious Values After the Holocaust: A Protestant View Allan R. Brockway
Auschwitz: The Triumph of Evil in a Society without God Remi Hoeckman
The Holocaust Museum: Why Christians Should Go Barbara Beckwith
Margit Slachta and the early rescue of Jewish families, 1939-42 Jessica A. Sheetz
Judaisms and Memories: Systemic Representations of the Holocaust Tzvee Zahavy, PhD
Christian Ethics and the Holocaust: A Dialogue with Post-Auschwitz Judaism John T. Pawlikowski
The Holocaust and the Duty to Forgive Stanley Hauerwas
Letter to Pope Pius XII Dr. Edith Stein


National Catholic Center for Holocaust Education
The Holocaust: A Catholic English-Language Bibliography Jerry Darring
Some Observations on the Bruderhof, the Holocaust and Christianity Charles Lamar
The Holocaust
Yom Hashoah - Holocaust Remembrance Day
The Jewish Foundation for the Righteous
Yad Vashem
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

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