
Pages courtesy of Prof. Felix Just, S.J., Ph.D., Loyola Institute for Spirituality in Orange, CA
Pauline Chronology: His Life and Missionary Work
Social Aspects of the Pauline Churches
Major Pauline Themes
Paul's Associates and Co-Workers
"Justification by Faith" in Galatians & Romans
Paul & James on Faith & Works

Bibliography: Paul and the New Testament Letters Fr. William Harmless, S.J.

Year of St Paul leaflets from the Liturgy Office of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales
Romans -- 1 Corinthians -- Philippians -- 1 Thessalonians -- 2 Thessalonians -- Philemon -- 1 & 2 Timothy -- Titus

Articles in Thinking Faith, the online journal of the Jesuits in Britain
Paul and Christian Disunity Nicholas King SJ
The Conversion of St. Paul Marcel Uwineza SJ
St Paul and Ecumenism Bishop John Arnold
Paul the Pastor Jerome Murphy-O'Connor OP
Power in Paul David Harold-Barry SJ
Paul, Trinity and Community Michael Mullins
Getting to Know Saint Paul Today: A Change in Paradigm? David Neuhaus SJ
The Vision of St Paul Nick King SJ
The Long Road to Damascus Bishop John Arnold
Who was Saint Paul? Peter Edmonds SJ

Articles in Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations
The Myth of the 'Law-Free' Paul Standing between Christians and Jews Mark Nanos
The Apostle Paul in the Popular Jewish Imagination: The Case Study of the British Jewish Chronicle Daniel R. Langton
"To the Jews as a Jew" (1 Cor 9:20): Paul and Jewish Identity Pheme Perkins
Jewish Philosophical and Psychological Approaches to the Apostle Paul Daniel R. Langton

Articles in HTS Theological Studies
The Theological Centre of Pauline Theology As It Relates to the Holy Spirit Mark Pretorius
The Relation between Church and World/Culture in View of the Pauline "As If Not" [foreign font omitted] G.M.M. Pelser
Matthew's and Paul's Inclusive Tendencies: A ComparisonIn-Cheol Shin and Andries G. van Aarde
Paul's Call to Be a Holy Man (Apostle): In His Own Words and in Other WordsJohn J. Pilch
The Dead in Christ: Recovering Paul's Understanding of the After-Life Markus Cromhout

Articles in Tyndale Bulletin, the journal of Tyndale House, Cambridge, a UK-based research institute
The Route of Paul's Second Journey in Asia Minor: In the Steps of Robert Jewett and Beyond Glen L. Thompson and Mark Wilson
The Erasure of Distinction: Paul and the Politics of Dishonour J. R. Harrison
Paul the Spiritual Guide: A Social Identity Perspective on Paul's Apostolic Self-Identity Robert Keay
Renaming in Paul's Churches: The Case of Crispus-Sosthenes Revisited Richard Fellows
The Roman Base of Paul's MissionE. A. Judge
Paul, the Devil and 'Unbelief' in Israel M. Uddin
Paul, Eschatology and the Augustan Age of Grace J.R. Harrison
'Be Imitators of Me': Paul's Model of Leadership Andrew D. Clarke
Mapping the Route of Paul's 'Second Missionary Journey' from Dorylaeum to Troas Robert Jewett
Constructing The World: An Exegetical and Socio-Rhetorical Analysis of Paul's Uses of 'World' and 'Creation' Edward Adams
What Has Aristotle to Do with Paul? Rhetorical Criticism and 1 Thessalonians Steve Walton
Blind Alleys in the Controversy over the Paul of History Mark A. Seifrid
Giving and Receiving in Paul's Epistles Gerald W. Peterman
Paul and John the Baptist: An Odd Couple? J. Ramsey Michaels
The Pauline Concept of Original Sin, in Light of Rabbinic Background Stanley E. Porter
The Name of Paul Colin J. Hemer
Cultural Conformity and Innovation in Paul: Some Clues from Contemporary Documents  E. A. Judge
Image and Incarnation in Pauline Christology: A Search for Origins Douglas R. de Lacey
The Paul of History and the Apostle of Faith N. T. Wright, M.A.
Theological Diversity in the Letters of St Paul J. W. Drane, M.A., Ph.D.
Pauline Church Discipline D. R. Hall, M.A.
Paul and Jerusalem F. F. Bruce, M.A., D.D.

Articles in Word & World, a quarterly journal of theology, published by the faculty of Luther Seminary
Free Speech in Pauline Political Theology David Fredrickson
A Hermeneutic of Shrew-Taming David S. Cunningham
Margaret, Bottom, Paul and the Inexpressible Paul W. Gooch
The Personology of Grace: A Study of Pauline Anthropology Robin Scroggs

Articles in Theological Studies, a quarterly journal of theology published by the Jesuits of the United States and Canada
Christ in the Theologies of Paul and John: A Study in the Diverse Unity of New Testament Theology Frank J. Matera
Paul and the Resurrection of the Dead Ben F. Meyer
Did Paul's View of the Resurrection of the Dead Undergo Development Ben F. Meyer
The Style of St. Paul: Apropos of Brunot's "Le Genie Litteraire de Saint Paul" Herbert Musurillo

Articles in The Way, an international journal of contemporary Christian spirituality, published by the British Jesuits
Some Recent Attempts at Explaining Paul's Theology Thomas Deidun
Idealism and Realism in Paul David Stanley
Paul and Providence Henry Wansbrough

Articles from the Wijngaards Institute for Catholic Research
St. Paul's Attitude Toward Women John L. Mckenzie
Women in the Pauline Assembly: To Prophesy, But Not To Speak? Robert J. Karris
Would Paul not Raise His Eyebrows? John Wijngaards

Articles in Jewish-Christian Relations
Paul and Gender: Three Jewish Perspectives Daniel R. Langton
Paul's Contradictions -- Can They Be Resolved? John G. Gager
Paul the Jew Brendan Byrne, S.J.
Torah and the Gentile Predicament Lloyd Gaston
Paul and Jerusalem Lloyd Gaston
Abraham and the Righteousness of God Lloyd Gaston

Articles by N. T. Wright
Paul's Gospel and Caesar's Empire
New Perspectives on Paul

Articles in the American Journal of Biblical Theology
The Early Life and Background of Paul, the Apostle Rev. Quency E. Wallace
Paul's Westward Mission in Acts and the Epistles: Incidental, Deliberate or Prophetic? Tony Costa, B.A., M.A., PhD

Articles in the Wesley Journal
Male Headship in Paul's Thought Fred D. Layman
St. Paul's Posture on Speaking in Unknown Tongues Harvey JS Blaney

Articles in the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
The Missionary Preaching of Paul: A Problem in New Testament Theology Donald H. Madvig
Leviticus 18:5 and Paul: Do This and You Shall Live (Eternally) Walter C. Kaiser, Jr., M.A.

Articles in the Religion Online website
The Mission of Paul Robert M. Grant
Paul and His Epistles Richard Heard

Articles in Bible and Interpretation
Paul and Stoic Athletics Janelle Peters
The Eucharist Problem: John versus Paul Gary Greenberg
The Last Supper, Paul and Qumran: The Tail that Wagged the Dog Ken Hanson
Paul & Judaism Charles David Isbell
The Collection for the Saints as a Polite Bribe: An Effort to Humanize Paul Gerd Ludemann

Articles from other sources
Pauline Paradigms and Pauline Authenticity Darrell J. Doughty
Anti-Imperial Subtexts in Paul: An Attempt at Building a Firmer Foundation Joel White
Paul, the One Apostle of the One Gospel Paul Nadim Tarazi
Vocation as the Meaning of Life in the Letters of St. Paul Fr. Rory Pitstick
Politics and Perversion: Situating Zizek's Paul Adam Kotsko
Paul the Apostle: Personal Story, Mission, and Meaning for the Church Today Brendan Byrne, SJ
Paul's Use of Maxims James D. Hester
Jew, Greek and Christian: Some Reflections on the Pauline Revolution Rémi Brague
Paul and Caristanius at Pisidian Antioch Robert L. Mowery
A Radical Jew: Paul and the Politics of Identity Daniel Boyarin
Pauline Theology of the Temple L. Frizzell
An Ephesian Imprisonment of Paul Benjamin Willard Robinson
Saul of Tarsus Jewish Encyclopedia
The Message and Mission of Paul James Tabor
Pisidian Antioch
As Paul Tells It
Who are those "Servants of Satan"? Jerry L. Sumney
Examples of Socio-Rhetorical Interpretation in Paul David Charnon
Paul William Barclay
Some Observations about Paul and Intermediaries Alan Segal

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