Art by Ashley Howell
Sandpoint [Idaho] Middle School.

Human Rights

"Let the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights be ratified by all governments who have not yet adhered to it, and let it be fully observed by all"

1971 Synod of Bishops, Justice in the World


Peace on Earth Pope John XXIII. See articles 9-34
Respect for Human Rights: The Secret of True Peace Pope John Paul II
A Milestone for the Human Family The Catholic Bishops of Australia
Universal Declaration of Human Rights General Assembly of the United Nations
The Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam Nineteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers
Promotion and Protection of All Human Rights, Civil, Political, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Including the Right to Development Commission of the Churches on International Affairs of the World Council of Churches, Franciscans International, Lutheran World Federation, Dominicans for Justice and Peace, Pax Christi International

Articles in Theological Studies, a quarterly journal of theology published by the Jesuits of the United States and Canada
Health and Human Rights Maura A. Ryan
Responsibility for Human Rights: Contributions from Bernard Lonergan John C. Haughey
"Sacred and Inviolable": Rerum Novarum and Natural Rights Ernest L. Fortin
Moral Claims, Human Rights, and Population Policies The Yale Task Force on Population Ethics

Articles from the Catholic University of America
Universal Human Rights, the United Nations, and the Telos of Human Dignity Willam Joseph Wagner
Deeper Longings: The Relevance of Christian Theology for Contemporary Rights Theories Kevin P. Lee

Articles from the Council for Research in Values and Philosophy
Deng Xiaoping's Human Rights Theory Zhu Majie, page 79
Freedom and Human Rights: The Development Dilemma in Sub-Saharan Africa E. Wamala, page 101
Human Values as the Unifying Reference of Human Rights and the African Perspective A. B. Rukooko, page 137
A Holistic Approach to Human Rights in Private Uganda: Challenges to Theology and Philosophy A.B.T. Byaruhanga-Akiiki, page 159
Human Rights and Development in Uganda: Reflections on the Constitutional Provisions of the Right to Development M. Mawa, page 183
Towards a Philosophical Foundation for Human Rights Carlos Eduardo Maldonado
The Ethics of Human Rights in a Civil Society Carlos Eduardo Maldonado
Cultural Rights Are Human Rights Doreen G. Fernandez
Culture, Power and Human Rights in Central America: An Anthropological Perspective Timothy Ready
Human Rights, Justice and Theology Brian Johnstone

Articles from other sources
Seeing and Acting on Interdependent and Indivisible Human Rights James P. O'Sullivan
Human Rights and Civic Responsibility Aquiline Tarimo
Human Rights, Democracy and Freedom Dalai Lama
Human Rights in a Time of Terror David Ransom
The Impotence of Human Rights in the Face of Escalating Violence: A Girardian View Peter Stork
The Controversial Universality of Individual Human Rights Friedrich Graf
The Influence of Kant on Christian Theology: A Debate About Human Dignity and Christian Personalism Derek S. Jeffreys
A Catholic Perspective on Human Rights Cherie Booth QC
The Global Quest for Tranquillitas Ordinis: Pacem in Terris, Fifty Years Later Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences
The Catholic Neo-Scholastic Contribution to Human Rights: The Natural Law Foundation Robert John Araujo, S.J.
Human Rights, Natural Law, and Thomas Aquinas Fr. Joseph M. de Torre
The French and German versus American Debate over 'New Religions', Scientology, and Human Rights Stephen A. Kent
Human Rights in Africa - A Contextual Theological Reflection Elochukwu E. Uzukwu, CSSp
Sovereignty, Human Rights, and Self-Determination: The Meaning of International Law Father Robert Araujo
Pope Pius XI's Crusade for Human Rights and his Hidden "Encyclical," Humani Gneris Unitas, Against Racism and Anti-Semitism Dr. Frank J. Coppa
Justice is founded on respect for human rights Jean-Louis Tauran
When Rights and Cultures Collide Karen Musalo
Are there "Human Rights" in Buddhism? Damien Keown
Essential Elements of Human Rights in Buddhism Uttamhumars Bagde
Human Rights and Religious Liberty in Jewish-Christian Dialogue Elio Toaff
The Church and Human Rights Gerard O'Connell
Catholicity and Human Rights Alfred Young, C.S.P., page 387

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