Rerum Novarum On the webpage of Catholic Charities of St. Paul and Minneapolis
Rerum Novarum On the Vatican website

By Gerald Darring
Rerum Novarum: Summary Article | Critical Comments | Bibliography

By David Cruz-Uribe
Reading Rerum Novarum, Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

Presentations on YouTube
Rerum Novarum
120th Anniversary of Rerum Novarum: Church, Labor, and the New Things of the Modern World!

Articles from other sources
Rerum Novarum Revisited in Relation to People Rule and Mob Rule Democracy Reginald Nalugala
Rerum Novarum and Seven Principles of Catholic Social Doctrine Barbara Lanari
The Pontificate of Leo XIII (1878-1903) and the Encyclical Rerum Novarum Joseph M. de Torre
Rerum Novarum and the Tenth Federalist: Roman Catholicism and American Liberalism on the Politics of Class Carson Holloway
The Wages (and Hours) of Sin: Rerum Novarum, Lochner v. New York, and Natural Law Constitutionalism Kimberly Shankman
Social Catholics and Rerum Novarum Marvin Krier Mich
Sacred and Inviolable: Rerum Novarum and Natural Rights Ernest L. Fortin
The Condition of Labor: An Open Letter to Pope Leo XIII Henry George
Markets, Inequality and Poverty: The Response of Rerum Novarum Henry M. Schwalbenberg
Rerum Novarum and Labor W. F. Kernan
Rerum Novarum: how Leo XIII started a revolution Lyn Smith
The Encyclical Rerum Novarum and Its Significance for the Countries of Eastern Europe Today Kestutis Kevalas

Items published between 1891 and 1922
Rerum Novarum John Augustine Ryan, Catholic Encyclopedia
The Pope and the Proletariat Rev. E. B. Brady
Socialism and Labor Right Rev. J. L. Spalding, D. D.
The Encyclical and American Iron-Workers and Coal-Miners Rev. Morgan M. Sheedy
Henry George and the late Encyclical Charles A. Ramm
The Teaching of the Catholic Church John A. Ryan
Leo XIII and Modern Civilization J. Bleecpcer Miller

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Email webmaster Gerald Darring