
The goal of the Mission Priority Examen (MPE) is to look honestly at our institutional life, notice the activity of God within it, and respond freely to the invitation to grow in Faith, Hope, and Love.

The MPE process is both evaluative and developmental in its orientation. No Jesuit Higher Ed institution will excel in every area and, in fact, it is the honesty and candor with which a school engages the process that makes it rich and meaningful for ongoing discernment and growth.

The experience of the MPE will closely reflect a true Examen.  By becoming aware of the consolations and desolations that arise, Spring Hill College will be living Ignatian in a new way.

The MPE is a process of mutual discernment by the College, the Associations of Jesuit Colleges and Universities, and the Jesuits (UCS Provincial and the Jesuit Conference in the US and Canada).  It is an experience best undertaken with shared humility and love.  This will be the measure of our success.


Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities Mission Priority Examen website

Characteristics of Jesuit Higher Education: A Guide for Reflection

Personnel and Updates

MPE Personnel

PresidentDr. E. Joseph Lee, II
Interim ProvostDr. Lisa Hager
Chair, Board of TrusteesMr. Jack McKinney
Chief Mission OfficerFr. Robert Poirier, SJ
Chairs, Self-Study CommitteeFr. Robert Poirier, SJ, and Dr. Steven Almquist (English)
Self-Study Committee MembersFaculty: Dr. Don Culberson (Biology), Dr. Chris Dodsworth (Philosophy), Dr. Debbie Fox (Biology), Dr. Stephanie Gapud (Business), Dr. Tom Hoffman (Political Science), Dr. Alexandria Ruble (History), Wanda Sullivan (Fine Arts)
Staff: Tyloria Crenshaw (Marketing), Stephanie Hart (Student Support Services), Colleen Lee (Campus Ministry), Kristyn Russell (Campus Programming) Students: Nicolas Johnson, Molly Snakenberg
Peer Visitor ChairJohn J. Hurley, J.D., President, Canisius College
Additional Peer Visitor Team MembersDr. Nicki Gonzales, Vice Provost for Diversity and Inclusion, Regis University, Dr. Doug Dunham, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, Rockhurst University, Cindy Schmersal, M.A., Vice President for Mission and Ministry, Rockhurst University

MPE Process Timeline

August, 2021Fr. Tom Greene sends letter to President Joe Lee, formally requesting that Spring Hill College complete MPE during the 2021-22 academic year. President Lee invites Fr. Bob Poirier, S.J., to lead the MPE Steering Committee. Dr. Steven Almquist, Interim Associate Provost and Professor of English, accepts Fr. Poirier’s invitation to Co-Chair the MPE Steering Committee.
September, 2021In consultation with the Co-Chairs, President Lee appoints faculty, staff, and students to serve on the Steering Committee. Fr. Poirier and Dr. Almquist develop a proposed schedule and timeline for the process and convene the first committee meeting. The Steering Committee establishes constituency (faculty/staff/alumni) and focus (students) groups, assigns listening session leaders, and chooses specific characteristics for discussions. The Steering Committee breaks into two working groups, one focusing on constituency groups and the other on focus groups; each of the working groups meets weekly to establish the plan for completing listening sessions. President Lee, Fr. Poirier, Dr. Almquist and other members of Cabinet attend a virtual meeting with Fr. Greene and Dr. Tom Reynolds (PAHE for Central and Southern Province). Fr. Poirier opens discussions with the President’s Cabinet and the Board of Trustees, explaining the process and the importance of the MPE. Fr. Poirier and Dr. Almquist have the first of several Zoom meetings with Dr. Reynolds (subsequent meetings would involve Dr. Stephanie Russell and/or other AJCU colleagues). 
October, 2021Listening sessions begin (eventually, nearly two dozen sessions would be conducted); session facilitators complete a report and post it to the committee’s shared Google drive for all to see. Fr. Poirier conducts a meeting with the Board of Trustees to discuss the MPE process. Fr. Greene and Dr. Reynolds attend, via Zoom, the formal Board of Trustees meeting; Fr. Poirier and Dr. Almquist also update the Board on the progress and process of the MPE.
November, 2021Ongoing listening sessions are conducted across campus, including a full hour-long session with the Board. Co-Chairs collect facilitator reports.
December, 2021Final listening sessions are conducted. First draft of report is developed. Peer Visiting Team is finalized, through consultation among Fr. Poirier, Dr. Almquist, Dr. Reynolds, and Dr. Russell.
January, 2022Steering Committee and Co-Chairs continue working on draft report. Draft report shared with Cabinet, the Board of Trustees, Dr. Reynolds, and Dr. Russell. Report is revised, based on input from various readers.
February, 2022Report is submitted to visiting team, PAHE, and AJCU. Peer team is adjusted, based on members’ availability. Preparation for Peer Team visit begins—travel schedules are arranged and schedule for site visit is developed and shared.