Spring Hill College Celebrates Homecoming on the Hill 2024

Mobile, Ala. – Spring Hill College is welcoming alumni, students, parents, and families back to the Hill for Homecoming 2024, scheduled for Friday, October 18, through Sunday, October 20, 2024. This year’s event will celebrate the Golden Badger class of 1974 and recognize the anniversaries of classes ending in 4 and 9.

The Alumni Office has been planning some fun and exciting events for this weekend!  Alumna Tyloria Tims Crenshaw (1985), Director of Alumni, Parent and Community Engagement said, “We have listened to alumni telling us what they wanted to see for Homecoming celebrations and I think this year will be a special treat as events are designed to highlight our experiences here on the Hill.” 

There are some new and exciting events to look forward to like our Author’s Corner, Meditation Garden Dedication, a “Funeral,” for Walsh Hall, and Yoga at the Village. We also have our signature Bay Boil, Tailgate with Food Trucks, Golden Badger Dinner, and the All Class Reunion Dance. 

This year, there are a few more options for attendees:

  • The Homecoming on the Hill Experience is $125 and that includes admission to all of the events for the weekend except the Golden Badger activities.
  • The Golden Badger Experience is $175 and includes admission to all of the events, including the Seniors with Seniors brunch and the Golden Badger Dinner. 
  • Bay Boil is $65 in advance and $75 the day of the event. 

There is plenty of time to register, so get your tickets today. For more information including the schedule of events, hotel, and lodging info, visit our Homecoming on The Hill webpage, or contact Tyloria Tims Crenshaw at (251) 380-3869 or tcrenshaw@shc.edu.