SHC Tutoring is your resource for peer tutoring across the curriculum. Whether you’re a straight-A student who is working on a senior seminar paper, or you’re having problems in precalculus, SHC Tutoring is the place for you! We look forward to collaborating with you so that you can achieve academic success.

We offer the following services:

  • Individual tutoring
  • Group tutoring
  • Electronic and printed resources
  • Test review sessions
  • Workshops
  • Seminars

We offer walk-in tutoring hours for English, Spanish, Math and Biology in the SHC Tutoring Center (Burke Library 107). Please follow the schedule shown here.

Spring Hill College is proud to partner with to provide students with 24/7 live, virtual sessions with professional tutors in a variety of subjects. Students can even prepare for the NCLEX-RN licensing exam and graduate school admissions tests like the MCAT, LSAT, GRE and more! Students can access through the course menu on any of their Canvas classes.

SHC Tutoring Mission

SHC Tutoring supports writing and quantitative reasoning across the curriculum for students of all abilities. Tutors and students assist in shaping the SHC Tutoring’s goals, objectives, and services.  We provide students with opportunities to develop active learning and critical thinking skills in a collaborative setting facilitated by peer tutors and the SHC Tutoring’s faculty members.

Academic Support Resources

Note Taking

Goal Setting

Test Taking Skills

Study Skills

Time Management

Contact Us

If you have ideas for an upcoming seminar or workshop topic, please let us know!