Your child’s experience at Spring Hill College will help them to become well-rounded individuals in their professional and personal lives. That’s what makes Spring Hill College a great value and a great choice.

Why Spring Hill College?

Academic Excellence

  • Freshman Profile:
    • avg. GPA 3.3-4.0
    • avg. ACT 21-25
  • Student/faculty ratio 13:1
  • Average class size of 13 students
  • Full-time faculty with doctoral/highest degree: 91%
  • More than 47 majors and areas of concentration
  • Many types of financial aid available

Safe, Nurturing Environment

  • Spring Hill offers the ideal size and atmosphere
  • Our campus combines convenience with a relaxing, park-like atmosphere
  • 89% of all students live on campus in nine residence halls
  • Four-year guaranteed housing in residence halls and on-campus apartments
  • Our campus and residence halls provide a safe environment, with 24-hour campus security
  • Students are encouraged to get involved in a wide range of activities and organizations
  • Spring Hill encourages students to become well-rounded leaders in service to others
  • 25,000+ hours contributed by Spring Hill students to the local community each year through the Foley Center

BadgerWeb Parent Portal

The Parent Portal gives students the ability to allow parents to view some of their student’s academic and financial information. This information includes student academic, holds, account balance, 1098-T, and financial aid information. Parents will not be able to accept, reject, or otherwise alter any information within the portal.

Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, parents must be given access to the portal by their students–college employees are not allowed to provide access to this information.

Current Students

Current students will be able to access the Parent Portal with their BadgerWeb login. Read the instructions for adding permissions to the Parent Portal.


Parents will not have access to the Parent Portal until their student gives them permission.


Read our FAQs for parents.