Spring Hill College is committed to the belief that formation of character is an important part of education. The Code of Non-Academic Conduct, which contains the rules and regulations of the College, is found in the Student Handbook. These rules and regulations are derived from five general principles, which comprise the College Ethos Statement. These principles – respect of self, respect for others, respect for authority, respect for property, and honesty – guide the behavior of all students attending Spring Hill College. These rules and regulations are meant to encourage the development of personal responsibility, healthy choices, and maturity. Their enforcement is administered under the supervision of the Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students.

Spring Hill students enroll voluntarily in a College that embodies the Jesuit, Catholic tradition. It is, therefore, ex­pected that they understand and abide by the moral and educational values that this tradition represents. The Col­lege respects the integrity and rights of students who hold values different from those it espouses; similarly, these students are expected to respect the values for which the College stands.

Respect for Oneself

Each person is endowed by God with an inestimable dignity and worth. Therefore, it is appropriate for the College to set expectations for personal integrity with the aim of encouraging students to appreciate their own talents, to take themselves and their academic pursuits seriously, and to enhance the quality of their lives. The College, then, will routinely respond to any student engaging in self-destructive behaviors – behaviors that might impede an individual’s ability to enjoy the privileges of educa­tion and to fulfill his/ her obligations as a formed leader. Students engaging in such behaviors will be encouraged to seek help from the College community. It is the student’s responsibility, however, to accept this help.

Respect for Others

We believe that knowledge should contribute to the community. It is expected, then, that students will be open to learning about and respecting persons and cultures different from their own. Members of the campus community must act out of Chris­tian charity and mutual respect, treating each other with sensitivity, consideration, understanding, tolerance, and an active concern for each other’s welfare. The Col­lege is particularly concerned that its members show respect for others regardless of race, creed, gender, disability, sexual orientation, or nationality, and avoid all forms of harassing or offensive behaviors.

The College will not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, gender, age, religion, disability, national, ethnic origin, or sexual orientation. All College policies, practices and procedures are consistent with Spring Hill College’s Jesuit, Catholic identity and mission statement.

Respect for Property

The mission we share depends upon the responsible use of and respect for property. This respect extends to buildings, library materials, equipment and green space. Respect for property also involves helping to foster a well-maintained environment: a sense of security, tranquility and accomplishment. This principle requires students to respect personal and institutional property, both inside and outside the Spring Hill community.

Respect for Authority

Authority derives its legitimacy from its commitment to act on behalf of the common good. At Spring Hill that authority resides especially in the officers of the College – its faculty, administration and staff – each charged with respon­sibilities essential to the orderly operation of the College. These individuals provide structure to preserve the well-being and freedom of community mem­bers and an orderly environment in which all can develop. The College expects students to live by the policies of the College community and to follow local, state and federal laws.


A community can survive only to the extent to which there is trust among its mem­bers. Trust, in turn, depends upon truthfulness and forthrightness in both word and deed. While at Spring Hill, students are expected to demonstrate the personal char­acteristics of honesty and integrity in all aspects of their campus life, both inside and outside the classroom.