(Mobile, Ala.) Spring Hill College is welcoming alumni, students, parents, and families back to the Hill for Homecoming 2023, scheduled for Friday, October 20 and Saturday, October 21. This year’s event will celebrate the Golden Badger class of 1973 and recognize the anniversaries of classes ending in 3 and 8.
The Alumni Office and Advancement team have been diligently working to plan some fun and family-friendly events that everyone can enjoy. Alumna Tyloria Tims Crenshaw (1985), the newly appointed Director of Alumni Parent and Community Relations said, “We have really listened to alumni telling us what they wanted to see for Homecoming celebrations and I think this year will be a special treat as events are designed to highlight our experiences here on the Hill.”
There are some new and exciting things to look forward to like Badger (Midnight) Madness, Trivia Night, and Finding your Badger Roots. The All Class Reunion has been moved back to campus and there will be campus tours for alumni to experience campus life since they’ve been gone! Attendees can also look forward to the traditional Bay Boil, Yoga on the Hill, Java with the Jesuits, and the Golden Badger Dinner!
PLEASE NOTE – There are two ticket options for attendees: Option 1 – The Homecoming on the Hill Experience: The cost is $75 and this grants admission to all of the activities for the weekend, including the Tail Gate/Cookouts, Bay Boil, Trivia Night, Ball games and sporting events and the All Class Reunion. Option 2 – The Golden Badger Experience – The cost is $125 and grants admission to all of the activities for the weekend but also includes The Seniors with Seniors Brunch and the Golden Badger Dinner.
Get your tickets today! REGISTER HERE:
For complete information on the schedule of events, hotel, and lodging info, and all things homecoming go HERE! For more info contact Tyloria Tims Crenshaw at (251) 380-3869 or tcrenshaw@shc.edu.
Founded in 1830, Spring Hill College is the oldest Catholic college in the Southeast and the third oldest Jesuit college in the United States. Spring Hill combines the Jesuit tradition of excellence in education and a commitment to caring for the whole person – mind, body, and spirit – with innovative educational experiences. Located in Mobile, Ala., Spring Hill’s mission is to form leaders engaged in learning, faith, justice, and service for life. As a result, Spring Hill students are engaged, inspired, and transformed by their experiences.
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