Spring Hill College students teach ESL classes to adults every fall and spring semester on Monday and Thursday evenings from 7:00-8:30pm. Community members who are interested in learning or improving their English speaking skills are welcome to attend. We offer rolling registration so you are welcome to begin anytime. Free childcare is provided on site for toilet trained children and up to age 13.
Program Costs: $10 regisration fee
Contact: foleycenter@shc.edu.
Registration: Lucy Administrative Center room 263
Fall Semester: Thursday, September 8, 2022 – Thursday, December 1, 2022
Please Note: There are no classes on October 10, 2022 or November 24, 2022. Weather cancellations follow the protocols of Mobile County Public Schools.
The nonprofit internship program through the Foley Community Service Center at Spring Hill College offers students an opportunity to explore service and pre-professional experiential learning within a professional service-provider environment. The internship is a prearranged, credit-bearing service experience which allows a student to achieve learning objectives which are aligned with the goals of a supervising professional in an nonprofit organization. Internships provide opportunities to develop skills in service, service, leadership and capacity building all the while exploring career options and test career choices within a chosen field.
A Foley Community Service Center sponsored internship takes place at a nonprofit social, health or educational service that serves a marginalized population defined by poverty, disabilities, elderly status and/or significant health needs. Foley Center internships will take place at an approved community partner as determined by the Director of the Foley Center.
The typical Foley Center sponsored internship requires 80 hours of onsite work over the course of one semester (8-10 hours a week – 1 day or split over 2 days). The interns will receive 2 credit hours. The intern has the option of completing 120 hours for 3 credits. The interns hours should be balanced among three areas of competency:
Examples of internship placements include (but are not limited to): USA Children & Women’s Hospital, The Little Learning Tree, Legal Services, South Alabama Volunteer Lawyers Association, Dwell Mobile, Lifelines Counseling, Mobile Baykeepers, L’Arche Mobile, Trinity Family Ministries and YMCA Moorer.
Edibility for interdisciplinary internship is determined by
The Max Miller Education Program Offers After-school Tutoring Programs in Three Mobile County Public Schools
The Foley Center, in a partnership with Wilmer Hall Children’s Home, has developed an after school and in school tutoring program called the Max Miller Education Program. Spring Hill College students mentor and tutor youth after school and in school. Middle school age children receive concentrated and personalized help during the most academically and formatively vulnerable times in their life. Students mentor and tutor Williamson High School students in a new tutoring approach that takes during their school day. These programs combine in depth and ongoing academic assessment to tailor tutoring plans for each individual student in the program.