We are now accepting entries for the 2024 SHC Writing Contests!
Each year the SHC English Department conducts four writing competitions. Winners of the four awards are selected by a committee of faculty readers, and the awards are presented at Honors Convocation.
THE MERILH AWARD for the best original essay written for an English class.
THE RICHARD LYNCH AWARD FOR CREATIVE WRITING for the best original short story.
THE CATHOLIC POETRY SOCIETY AWARD for excellence in original short poetry.
THE REVEREND ANDREW C. SMITH, S.J. POETRY PRIZE: Original short poems are solicited for a prize of $100.00 from the Academy of American Poets.
If you have questions about the contest or encounter technological problems, contact Dr. Stephanie Callan, scallan@shc.edu
Choose the correct form for the contest you are entering. You will need to be logged in to your SHC Gmail account to use these forms.