Inauguration Ceremonies Video Stream

The Inauguration Ceremony of Dr. Mary Van Brunt will be streamed live on this page beginning Mar 17th at 9:00 AM.

A Message from
Dr. Van Brunt

I am delighted and excited to have been chosen to lead Spring Hill College. Spring Hill’s mission coupled with its award-winning liberal arts education resonates with me and aligns with my Catholic faith and personal values, and I am looking forward to helping Spring Hill reach new heights.

There is great privilege associated with this responsibility, and I treasure the opportunity to deeply connect with the Spring Hill community and carry out our centuries-old Jesuit tradition of caring for the intellectual, spiritual, and social growth of our future servant leaders.

Together, we can make Spring Hill College the leader in Jesuit Catholic education in the Southeast and capitalize on the strengths of our academic programs as we grow enrollment, expand programs and prepare the leaders of tomorrow. We will be part of the solution to workforce shortages in the labor force and build strong local and regional partnerships. We will provide the best living and learning experience for our students. We will be a destination for those who seek more.

I hope to see you during Inauguration Week as we celebrate Renovaré, the renewal of Spring Hill College and our mission of Cura Personalis – care for the mind, body and spirit.

Inauguration Week Events

Mary’s Favorite Lunch

Monday, March 13th
Student Center Dining Hall

The student body celebrates Dr. Van Brunt by hosting lunch with some of her favorite foods in the student dining hall.

Kickball Game and Tailgate

Tuesday, March 14th at 4:00pm
Murray Field

Enjoy a tailgate and a friendly game of kickball.

Campus Service Project

Wednesday, March 15th

Students, faculty and staff join together in a community effort to exemplify the Jesuit ideal of service to others. Students may register in the student center.

Commissioning Mass by
Provincial Fr. Thomas Greene, S.J.

Thursday, March 16th at 9:30am
St. Joseph Chapel

Join the campus community as we commission Dr. Mary H. Van Brunt as the 39th President of Spring Hill College.

Inauguration Golf Tournament

Thursday, March 16th at 11:30am
Spring Hill Golf Course

Join us as we hit the links with Dr. Van Brunt in celebration of her inauguration.
To rsvp email

Inauguration Ceremony

Friday, March 17th at 10:00am
Arthur R. Outlaw Recreation Center

Attend the historic inauguration of Dr. Mary H. Van Brunt as the 39th President of Spring Hill College.


Friday, March 17th immediately after Inauguration Ceremony
Rydex Commons

Enjoy food, fun and festivities as we celebrate the beginning of a new era for Spring Hill College.