Spring Hill College has been ranked #2 on the list of Colleges with the Best Praxis Elementary Education Pass Rates in Alabama as reported by PraxisExam.org. The National Council of Teacher Quality suggests, “The quality of the teacher workforce is especially important in the early grades when teachers bear an extraordinary responsibility, building a solid foundation for students in both the knowledge and skills they will need to succeed in later grades, as well as in their future lives.”
WKRG News 5, was on campus and shared the news with viewers, interviewing Paige Raney, EdD, Chair of Spring Hill’s Division of Education, and student Samantha Gagliano. “Our faculty team emphasizes the importance of preparing for the Praxis Elementary Education assessment. We prioritize standards measured on the exam during our classroom teaching experiences as well as design and deliver study sessions in a way to support our elementary education students,” said Raney. “Our faculty team’s commitment and perseverance of our students led to this impressive ranking. We are committed to delivering high-quality educators into the teaching profession.” See the story here:
All elementary education majors in educator preparation programs in the state of Alabama must obtain a passing score on the Praxis Elementary Education assessment in order to be recommended for a teaching certificate. At Spring Hill, this assessment is completed by all students prior to entering the teaching internship, the capstone experience for education majors. Achieving a passing score in the first attempt on this exam allows a student to more quickly enter the teaching profession. In this way, the documented teacher shortage in our nation is reduced.
The College also achieved a 100 percent passing rate on the edTPA, a performance-based, subject-specific assessment of teaching. This support system is used by teacher preparation programs throughout the United States to emphasize, measure, and support the skills and knowledge that all teachers need from day one in the classroom. In the state of Alabama, all education majors must achieve a passing score on the edTPA assessment in order to be recommended for teacher certification. During spring 2022, 100 percent of Spring Hill’s education majors who participated in the teaching internship passed the edTPA assessment on their initial attempt.
Raney said, “Our students worked tirelessly preparing high-quality edTPA assessment portfolios. Our faculty’s work in guiding our education majors through an edTPA seminar class and individual mentoring sessions demonstrates the excellence and commitment of our faculty team. This is a great achievement for our Division of Education students and faculty at Spring Hill College”
Learn more about the Division of Education here:
Founded in 1830, Spring Hill College is the oldest Catholic college in the Southeast and the third oldest Jesuit college in the United States. Spring Hill combines the Jesuit tradition of excellence in education and a commitment to caring for the whole person – mind, body and spirit – with innovative educational experiences. Located in Mobile, Ala., Spring Hill’s mission is to form leaders engaged in learning, faith, justice, and service for life. As a result, Spring Hill students are engaged, inspired and transformed by their experiences.