Academic Accommodations

Students with a documented disability wishing to utilize academic accommodations should contact the Career & Academic Success & Advising by calling 251-380-3470 or emailing as soon as possible so that warranted accommodations can be arranged.


Spring Hill lives its mission of caring for the whole student through BadgerWay–the system we use to connect students with campus resources. A BadgerWay referral can be submitted by a faculty member, staff member, or fellow student; a staff member will then follow up to assist with the timely connection to appropriate resources.


SHC Tutoring prioritizes academic success and a supportive learning atmosphere by providing on-campus peer tutoring covering diverse subjects and access to, a leading online tutoring platform for on-demand assistance, anytime, anywhere.

Academic Dishonesty

Dishonesty of any kind in academic work (daily quizzes, examinations, written assignments, projects or presentations, etc.) renders a student subject to disciplinary action, including possible dismissal from the College.

Academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to: 

  • Plagiarism — that is, representation of thoughts or passages from another author as one’s own work; 
  • Collusion — that is, collaboration with another in the preparation of written or presented work; 
  • Cheating — that is, giving or receiving or soliciting information from another student during a test or examination; 
  • Recycling — that is, turning in work that had already been completed and turned in for another class without the express permission of the current instructor;   
  • Using illicit materials in an examination or quiz — that is, unless an instructor stipulates to the contrary, no one will sit for an examination (whether in person or online) with textbooks, notes, digital devices, or any other disallowed materials. All members of the faculty are expected to make every possible effort to discourage all such practices. 
  • Any and all use of generative Artificial Intelligence on graded academic work without the explicit permission of the instructor. Any work created in part or in whole using generative AI should be credited and cited as such.