Media Visits to Spring Hill College

Spring Hill College requires that all news media contact the Director of Media and Public Relations at before coming onto campus with requests for interviews or to cover a story.


Although the college welcomes the public and media to many events throughout the year, this does not imply that 1) the public or media have unrestricted access to grounds, buildings, activities or restricted areas or 2) that all events are open to the public and media.

Members of the media are not allowed on the Spring Hill College campus unless accompanied by an official staff member of the Marketing Communications office.

Please contact the Director of Media and Public Relations to request permission and an official media relations escort from the Marketing Communications team prior to covering any event.

Requesting Media Access to the Campus

External media, video and sound crews entering onto Spring Hill College property should first contact the Director of Media and Public Relations and be accompanied by a member of the Marketing Communications team or the office’s designee.

When journalists are expected on the campus, Marketing Communications will also advise the Spring Hill College Office of Public Safety of their presence.

If news media receive invitations to visit the Spring Hill College campus from anyone other than a staff member of the college’s Marketing Communications team – such as from a student, faculty or staff member – we ask that the news media email to check to see if the event or activity is indeed open to the media and to request permission to bring a crew on campus.


The college’s Director of Media and Public Relations requests for interviews of students, faculty or staff on behalf of the college. The Director of Media and Public Relations team will work with the requesting party and the potential interviewee or source. If a requested source makes a decision to be interviewed, the Director of Media and Public Relations representative will facilitate the logistics for the actual interview to occur and serve as an escort for the media crew.

The Director of Media and Public Relations must be notified in advance in writing by any production or media/news crews that have “pre-arranged” interviews with students, faculty or staff. All media requests to visit the campus must be officially approved by the Office of Marketing Communications prior to scheduling.

Limited Access Areas

Spring Hill College residence halls and student apartments are not open to the media, unless an exception has been granted in advance by a Spring Hill College Marketing Communications representative working in concert with the Office of Student Affairs.

Media Relations Contact